Letter Recommendation

 Dear ITB , i want to recommend one of the student and the name of the student was dwikavindra.
Why i recommend this student because he has a good strength, and his strength was he never betrayed his commitment and values, the second strength he has was he  was a curious person he would never stop to search something that he don’t know and he didn’t understand, and the third strength that he has was he love to learn he love to learn anything that he don't know , and the last stregth that he has was he always work hard and he can't be a lazy person he always want to do something.

But he has some weakness like he was lazy sometimes maybe because he was a human too not an robot, the second weaknes was he procrastinate a lot, the thurd weakness was he easily give up on things even though he always work hard and love to learn things he still always give up if he already didn't know what to do again.But even though he has some weakness but he always want to tried to get rid of the weakness and it was one of the good things that he has.I hope you can accept this student. Thank You


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